A perennial plant or simply perennial is a plant that lives for more than two years.
The term is often used to differentiate a plant from shorter lived annuals and biennials. When used by gardeners or horticulturalists, perennial applies specifically to winter hardy herbaceous plants. Scientifically, woody plants like shrubs and trees are also perennial in their habit.
Perennials, especially small flowering plants, grow and bloom over the spring and summer and then die back every autumn and winter, then return in the spring from their root-stock rather than seeding themselves as an annual plant does.
The symbol for a perennial plant, based on Species Plantarum by Linnaeus, is
, which is also the astronomical symbol for the planetJupiter.
This flower were known for its superpower due to several reason of its ability.
Perennials have been use in foods and also in medicinal supplements whereby, ancient Romans usually use the flower to repel pesky insects. For century, perennial use to feed people in timers of crop failure, and use to cure anything from lung ailments to bee stings.
Besides, Perennial also can long-live for over 4000years as are some woody plants like tree.
Scientist has prove that perennial crops provide lot of benefit to environment.
Erosion |
Nitrogen cycle |
Perennial plants often have deep, extensive root systems which can hold soil to prevent erosion, capture dissolved nitrogen before it can contaminate ground and surface water, and incomplete weeds by reducing herbicides that can affect human health.
Types of Perennials family
- Examples of evergreen perennials include Begonia and banana.
- Examples of deciduous perennials include goldenrod and mint.
- Examples of monocarpic perennials include Agave and some species of Streptocarpus.
- Examples of woody perennials include maple, pine, and apple trees.
- Examples of herbaceous perennials used in agriculture include alfalfa, Thinopyrum intermedium, and Red clover.
(Please click blue & bold tag for further information in wikipedia)
Fun Fact : Do you know that Chrysanthemums that we use to drink and the Dahlia is one of Perennials family?